Knowledge Enhanced Custom Search (Who knows what Google is putting into this now)


Hi.  I'm Javier Simonpietri.  I was born and raised in Puerto Rico, then lived in a bunch of places, and now reside in Puerto Rico with my three sons and two daughters.

Please note that this site was abandoned many years ago, perhaps before Google+ went defunct and took down the entire comments section with it, which was quite active and helpful.  As if that wasn't demoralizing enough, Google then went ahead and stopped letting people custom code the AdSense ads or choose the type of ads one would show and their appearance.  That dropped the RPM below 10% of what I had it at.  They favored the lazy and dull, and punished the clever.  

Reviving the site just didn't make any sense after that.  What you see now is not what existed or what was meant to be.  It's a trick; the product of maybe 10 minutes of work per year for the past 6 years.  I apologize to everyone that tries to get in touch with me and receives no reply.  On very rare occasions, I might still come across someone that reaches out and I'll help them out because it brings me joy.

If this website's color scheme freaks you out, know that that is intentional, the same as the screwy layout is. Infrequent experiences are remembered longer and with more detail than frequent ones; additionally the highest level of contrast between the words and the background was maintained because the degree of contrast is correlated to future ability to recall.  Also, using a weird scheme confuses people into clicking on ads more often.  :P   The site remains up because of the minimal income it generates with no intervention.  Who knows, if Google ever fixes their ad system, this place may be worth reviving as it was lovely while it lasted.

Enjoy the site!


  1. Do you have a link to MMPI test

    1. AnonymousMay 21, 2024

      The link is in hidden page. Go to the main article and click on the very first link. That takes you to the hidden page. There you click on the link at the bottom.

  2. Also looking for a link

  3. This is a website that reminds me of my love of learning, which has almost been destroyed by 40 years in suburbia and the modern American workforce. When the universities became businesses, and businesses aligned with the politicians, intellectual freedom was muted. But I am old enough to remember being a farm girl, reading books between crops, and the thrill of going to a major university when true knowledge and the perpetual search for it was still valued. Thank you, Dr. Simonpietri.

    1. AnonymousMay 21, 2024


      That was beautiful. And spot on.

  4. I don't think Javier Simonpietri ever intended to help us administer the MMPI online... this "search a different way" has been driving me around the bend for years

  5. AnonymousMay 21, 2024

    the link is up. You take the test and hit score, and poof! All done. The question is whether you can interpret the scores. It's not that easy.


Bombs away!

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