Clinical Scale 0 of the MMPI-2: Social Introversion and its Subscales

Clinical Scale

Si             Social Introversion

Direct Subscales

Si1           Shyness/Self-Consciousness
Si2           Social Avoidance
Si3           Self/Other Alienation

Other scales to look at:

D5            Brooding
Hy2          Need for Affection
Hy5          Inhibition of Aggression
ANX         Anxiety
FRS           Fears
CYN         Cynicism
LSE           Low Self-esteem
SOD          Social Discomfort
FAM         Family Problems
A               Anxiety
Es              Ego Strength
MAC-R    MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale-Revised
AAS         Addiction Acknowledgement
O-H          Overcontrolled Hostility
Mt             College Maladjustment
Pd-S          Psychopathic Deviate, Subtle
dem          Demoralization
lpe            Low Positive Emotions
cyn           Cynicism
dne           Dysfunctional Negative Emotions
abx           Aberrant Experiences
NEGE      Negative Emotionality / Neuroticism
INTR        Introversion / Low Positive Emotionality
FRS1         Generalized Fearfulness
DEP1        Lack of Drive
DEP2        Dysphoria
DEP3        Self-Depreciation
DEP4        Suicidal Ideation

ANG2      Irritability
CYN1       Misanthropic Beliefs
ASP1        Antisocial Attitudes
TPA1        Impatience
LSE1         Self-Doubt
LSE2         Submissiveness
SOD1        Introversion
SOD2        Shyness
FAM2       Familial Alienation
TRT1        Low Motivation
TRT2        Inability to Disclose

Other psychological personality tests you may enjoy:

Related MMPI-2 information:

And the Free MMPI-2 link.
