Clinical Scale 4 of the MMPI-2: Psychopathic Deviate and its Subscales

Clinical Scale

Pd        Psychopathic Deviate

Direct Subscales

Pd1       Familial Discord
Pd2       Authority Problems
Pd3       Social Imperturbability
Pd4       Social Alienation
Pd5       Self-alienation

Pd-O     Psychopathic Deviate, Obvious
Pd-S      Psychopathic Deviate, Subtle

Other scales to look at:

Ma1       Amorality
ANG     Anger
CYN      Cynicism
ASP        Antisocial Practices
TPA        Type A
SOD        Social Discomfort
FAM       Family Problems
WRK      Work Interference
A             Anxiety
R              Repression
Es             Ego Strength
MAC-R   MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale-Revised
AAS        Addiction Acknowledgement
APS         Addiction Potential
MDS        Marital Distress
Ho           Hostility
O-H         Overcontrolled Hostility
Do            Dominance
Re             Social Responsibility
Mt            College Maladjustment
cyn           Cynicism
asb           Antisocial Behavior
AGGR     Aggressiveness
PSYC       Psychoticism
DISC        Disconstraint

ANG1      Explosive Behavior
ANG2      Irritability
CYN1       Misanthropic Beliefs
CYN2       Interpersonal Suspiciousness
ASP1        Antisocial Attitudes
ASP2        Antisocial Behavior
TPA1        Impatience
TPA2        Competitive Drive
LSE2         Submissiveness
FAM1       Family Discord
FAM2       Familial Alienation
TRT2        Inability to Disclose

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Related MMPI-2 information:

And the Free MMPI-2 link.
