Clinical Scale 9 of the MMPI-2: Hypomania and its Subscales

Clinical Scale

Ma        Hypomania

Direct Subscales

Ma1      Amorality
Ma2      Psychomotor Acceleration
Ma3      Imperturbability
Ma4      Ego Inflation

Ma-O    Hypomania, Obvoius
Ma-S     Hypomania, Subtle

Other scales to look at:

D2         Psychomotor Retardation
D4         Mental Dullness
Pd2       Authority Problems
Pa2        Poignancy
Sc3         Lack of Ego Mastery, Cognitive
Sc4         Lack of Ego Mastery, Conative
Sc5         Lack of Ego Mastery, Defective Inhibition
ANX     Anxiety
BIZ        Bizarre Mentation
TPA       Type A
A            Anxiety
APS       Addiction Potential
Re           Social Responsibility
Pa-S       Paranoia, Subtle
asb         Antisocial Behavior
per          Ideas of Persecution
abx         Aberrant Experiences
hpm        Hypomanic Activation
AGGR    Aggressiveness
PSYC      Psychoticism
DISC       Disconstraint
HEA2     Neurological Symtoms
BIZ1        Psychotic Symptomatology
BIZ2        Schizotypal Characteristics
ANG1     Explosive Behavior
ANG2     Irritability
ASP2       Antisocial Behavior
TPA1       Impatience
TPA2       Competitive Drive
FAM1      Family Discord

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Related MMPI-2 information:

And the Free MMPI-2 link.
