Clinical Scale 2 of the MMPI-2: Depression and its Subscales
Clinical Scale
D DepressionDirect Subscales
D1 Subjective DepressionD2 Psychomotor Retardation
D3 Physical Malfunctioning
D4 Mental Dullness
D5 Brooding
D-O Depression, Obvious
D-S Depression, Subtle
Other scales to look at:
DEP DepressionDEP1 Lack of Drive
DEP2 Dysphoria
DEP3 Self-Depreciation
DEP4 Suicidal Ideation
LSE Low Self-esteem
LSE1 Self-Doubt
LSE2 Submissiveness
FAM Family Problems
FAM1 Family Discord
FAM2 Familial Alienation
WRK Work Interference
MAC-R MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale-Revised
AAS Addiction Acknowledgement
APS Addiction Potential
MDS Marital Distress
Mt College Maladjustment
PK Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
PS Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
dem Demoralization
lpe Low Positive Emotions
dne Dysfunctional Negative Emotions
NEGE Negative Emotionality / Neuroticism
INTR Introversion / Low Positive Emotionality
TRT1 Low Motivation
Other psychological personality tests you may enjoy:
- Attachment Style Test (contains a link to a full version of the DSM V)
- The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- The Enneagram Personality Test
- Lüscher Color Test
- The Defense Style Questionnaire
Related MMPI-2 information:
- MMPI-2 personality test free online
- MMPI-2 Validity Scales
- How to interpret MMPI-2 scores: Do it yourself
- 10 Clinical Scales of the MMPI-2: Definitions
- Supplementary, Content, & Research Scales: Definitions
- Clinical Scale 1 of the MMPI-2: Hypochondriasis
- Clinical Scale 2 of the MMPI-2: Depression
- Clinical Scale 3 of the MMPI-2: Hysteria
- Clinical Scale 4 of the MMPI-2: Psychopathic Deviate
- Clinical Scale 5 of the MMPI-2: Masculinity-Femininity
- Clinical Scale 6 of the MMPI-2: Paranoia
- Clinical Scale 7 of the MMPI-2: Psychasthenia
- Clinical Scale 8 of the MMPI-2: Schizophrenia
- Clinical Scale 9 of the MMPI-2: Hypomania
- Clinical Scale 0 of the MMPI-2: Social Introversion
And the Free MMPI-2 link.
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