Knowledge Enhanced Custom Search (Who knows what Google is putting into this now)

Preliminary report of closed, on-site polling

Poll #1

Duration: + / - 3 months

Sample size: A surprising amount. To be expanded as results showed promise.

Preliminary disclosure:

Users that scored elevated Scale 7 [Psychasthenia] on the MMPI-2 AND were in possession of standard blood test reported overwhelmingly to having higher white blood cell counts than red blood cell counts. With regards to if one or both of these numbers were in the abnormal range, the results were mixed, with the sample size proving insufficiently large to achieve the statistical significance necessary to back any correlation or, inversely, back the null hypothesis against any specific combination.

A follow-up poll will open, staying open over a longer period, and those numbers will be combined with those already obtained. MMPI-2 test takers that meet the criteria stated above are strongly encouraged to participate because it is likely that enough data will be collected to offer strong support with regards to a key skewed dynamic in the human psychoneuroimmunological system, which has been recently found to exhibit bidirectional communication between neurons and cells in the immunological system.

Poll #2

Duration + / - 10 months

Sample size: 500+ users


Users reviewed our on-site search engine, Cog, a custom Google search engine modified to filter out most of the noise on the Internet with the purpose of landing users directly on useful results or on the primary sources corresponding to their query. Cog received over 75% favorable reviews, with less than 20% of users reporting that they either weren't able to find the primary sources being sought out or having experienced any sort of processing or coding bug upon using the on-site CSE. To obtain positive percentages so high is extremely rare in anonymous, on-line attitude polling. Needless to say, I am very happy that I was able to provide you all with a useful tool that is becoming increasingly important as the Google search algorithms get hacked to the point that reliable information is no longer readily accessible. Since voters largely approved the design of the tool, I will be expanding and tweaking it over the medium-term.

Tienes alma; acéptalo y deja de joder

Tienes alma; sí, estás viva.
Si estás viva, tienes alma.
Dá lo mismo cómo.
¿De dónde sacas que te fue entregada,
estirpada de quien mereces un perdón

por un perdonable nunca presente
enmascarando tu soledad fingiendo serle?
¿Así ya no te sientes insuficiente
porque no puedes comprender qué es dar a luz?
¿Cómo te engañas que computa ese trueque;

acaso se te olvidó que no puede haber padre sin hijo
porque la trinidad es por definición un condicional?
¿Puedes decirme por qué, si no truco por ser en marco
necesariamente idiota, gotean culpa tus palabras
estancando agua en charcas que ni puedes ni sabes por qué limpiar,
siempre que no finges ser quien nunca ha estado
o bien que no recuerdas algo visto
con que atacar a quien has apresado por serte necesario
para que otros puedan creerte?
¿Y aún así te atreves mirar directo a unos ojos
para parasíticamete regar que estarás siempre viva?
Morirás. Es lo que ocurre.

Si estás viva, tienes alma.
Estás viva.
Dá lo mismo cómo.

Morirás. Es lo que ocurre.
Recuerda el lazo condicional.
No resucitarás ni me resucitarás,
ni te resucitarán, ni serás eterna
ni llegarás al tiempo siendo la suma tus posesiones,
y dá lo mismo si temporalidad es tu único hacer;
es lo que hace; o sea, tienes alma.
Yo también tengo una.

¡La mía hace lo mismo
y nada más!
Estoy vivo; morir es de ambos.
Es lo que ocurre. Estás viva
porque morirás; es la definición. Eres alma
porque estás viva porque morirás;
dá lo mismo si no saborearás la muerte
- o si la saboreas. Son detallismos. Morirás;
eres alma. Deja de joder.
Todo cuanto sabe tanto;
es obvio. Acéptalo,

y deja de joder;

nos tienes a todos hartos
con tu orgasmia fantasmagórica.

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How You Know What You Know

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